Get Naked Trick
The doctor said that the baby needs to be feed every three or four hours, but sometimes my son didn’t awake for 5 or 6 hours. Here are a few tricks I did to wake my son up.
- The first trick. I held him in a sitting position on my lap, one hand holding his chin, the other holding his back. Forward the baby body with the hip as the ‘hinge’. When he’s awake, move him to the breasting position. If he falls back to sleep before he get the chance to drink his milk, repeat the steps.
- The second trick. I tried undoing his clothes, all of it (newborn baby doesn’t like to be naked). Change his diaper, rub his chin with a finger, tickle his feet, or try to burp him.
- Another trick, when he’s awake and gets the chance to put the nipple in his mouth and falls back to sleep. Then I tried waking him up by moving the nipple/bottle or rubbing his cheek or moving his position so that he will be awake and suck a little.
If everything fails, then I let him sleep back and let hunger wake him up. If you have a problem with your baby sleeping attitude please contact your doctor and consult with them immediately.
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